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First Saturday – two surgeries

by admin on 7 February, 2011

I’ve managed to get the best from the first Saturday of every month….
first my 10.30 – 11.30 surgery at Rock Grove ‘Pop in Parlour’ in the Blue opposite the Library…..

.                                                                                                                                                                     library-at-the-blue.png
Then I go to my second surgery at Wessex House on The Cooper’s & Astley Estate at midday til 1pm.              wessex-house.png

The Astley & Coopers Estate have just had a new parking regime set up.
They started the regime on Tuesday 4th of January, on Wednesday the 5th January they started clamping people’s vehicles at £110 a time!
.    clamping-on-astley-2.png

I think the contractors – APCOA are motivated by greed, rather than a desire to enforce a sensible parking regime.
Unlike Southwark’s officers & councillors, they don’t have to face angry residents
They have been clamping cars mercilessly – I think warning notices should have been issued for at least seven days prior to the use of clamps,
then a period of clamping, but with one free release instituted to get the message home.



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