Obesity is a killer – when will the government wake up?

by Graham Neale on 26 August, 2011

Loads of people in Bermondsey will die early, and suffer during their lives from illnesses related to poor nutrition.
Local shops offer processesd food high in fat, salt and sugar, really cheap.

The true cost of these products is reflected by the heath costs, to individuals and the community.

The products above cost less than a kilogram of fresh vegetables from the stall at The Market Place.
How can we encourage people to buy and eat healthy when stores offer cheap products like these?

The food business lobby is enormous, paying millions of pounds in countries across the world to
stop governments taking any action to regulate their sales.
Selling junk food, and sugary drinks to children is plain nasty.
Voluntary agreements are obviously not working, it is time for supermarkets and producers to face up to the fact that they are killing us.

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